Teen Activities to Keep in Mind Next Time They’re Bored

Article Courtesy of Good Housekeeping


Whether you have an at-home machine or have to head out and rent a room in an establishment, karaoke gives teens a chance to step up to the mic and let loose. Once they get a taste of the spotlight, though, they might get bit by the karaoke bug, and you’ll have to make it a regular event.

Visit an Amusement Park

It’s fun to take little kids to an amusement park, but they’re too small for the most thrilling rides. Remember to take a family outing again when they get bigger and (depending on their constitution) are willing to go on all the roller coasters and stomach-dropping spinning rides with you.

Learn to Code

There are plenty of places online where teens can learn to code, including serious courses at Codecademy or Udacity — or even free, volunteer-led sessions at sites like CoderDojo. Even if your teens don’t become the next big app developers — though they might — they’ll still pick up a skill that’ll come in handy in the long run, as technology runs more and more of our lives.


The best thing about teenagers is that they’re so passionate about the causes that matter to them. Indulge it — take them to join a community service organization, volunteer for a local group, or plan a fundraiser for a topic that interests them. You might instill a spirit of volunteerism that lasts their whole lives.

Host a Garage Sale

There are so man wins in hosting a garage sale: Your teen is occupied for a few days going through their stuff and finding things to sell. You get to clear out some space. They get some money in their pockets. And the stuff that’s sold goes to (hopefully) a home where it’ll be used, and not in a landfill somewhere. Plus, this might inspire you to clear out some of your old items to sell, too.

Go Camping

Hiking, fishing, s’more-making, telling stories around a campfire — a camping outing comes with a ton of great teen activities automatically baked into it. When the sun goes down, try your hand at some amateur astronomy, too.