New Book Reviews

Across the Broken Stars by Jed Herne

A compelling fantasy adventure about finding salvation that comes with a magical twist on angels. Leon is ashamed of his past and wishes he could forget it. During the war most angels like him were wiped out by the Vahrians and he regrets the choices he made to survive. Now he’s one of the last angels remaining…

Diggy the Dog Explores Friendship by Adam Loveless

This whimsically illustrated book will be a hit with parents and children alike!

The Assassin’s Gift by Claire Boston

This author knows how to bring out your emotions with compelling characters and realistic, heartfelt emotions.

Right to Petition by Nicole Tisdale

Nicole Tisdale helps guide concerned citizens into an effective course of political action.

Daring to Think Again by Dave Brisbin

An eye-opening look at the faith I thought I knew, and a road map for truly following Jesus.

Bloody Puzzle by Andrea Merchak

Bloody Puzzle is a unique tale of horror that sucks you in and refuses to let you go.

Blow the Lid Off by Simply You Publishing

If you are ready to live intentionally, fully, and creatively, then this book will show you how.

Fate Lashed by Josh Erikson

A great Modern Epic Fantasy with good characters and great action, but too much extraneous material, trying to be fancy.

Trouble by Jennie Dorny

A watery adventure worth risking the depths for. Gave me definite water world vibes!

Ripped Away by S.D. Christopher

This second installment by S.D. Christopher will have yours senses on overload–pun intended–with new characters and a thicken…

Time Rep by Peter Ward

When slacker Geoffrey Stamp was hired as a holiday rep for a weird tour company, he expected exotic locations. He got the time …

The Goose on the Roof by Sarah Sommer

An amusing book for children filled with fun, humor and a lesson to remember in the end.

The Temple of the Eye by Ryan Husk

The Temple of the Eye is a fun read & it’s shows a lot of potential for the future. I can’t wait to see more of Cael and Sid’s …

Hatch Match Dispatch by Ginny Walker

Who knew a book about a wedding and a funeral would be so intriguing and fun?

The Cat Ninja and a Cabal of Shadows by Erik DeLeo

Ninjas? Swords? Stealth in the night? These are the thrills that draw kids to read, and The Cat Ninja and a Cabal of Shadows ha…

The Giants and the Smalls by Nick Smith

An allegorical story with attractive, full-page illustrations and a clear message about the power of believing in oneself

Reviewed by Satabdi Mukherjee

The Secret Angels by Smita Bhattacharya

Bhattacharya’s The Secret Angels is an intriguing mystery with multiple layers of depth that will leave readers guessing until …

Depressed to Daring by Adonica Shaw

Depressed to Daring will help you discover triggers and work toward emotional agility, shatter your own glass ceiling, and live…

The Raidships by Aidan Wynterhawk

A unique and refreshing fusion of fantasy and science fiction, “Raidships” is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered.

Marilia, the Warlord by Morgan Cole

Marilia – strong-willed, erudite and fallible. Cole has delivered a heroine so humbly human I found pleasure in reading fantasy…

Light Up the World by Mark Simpson

“Light Up the World” by Mark Simpson is a collection of poetry and prose that seeks to enlighten the reader.