This list was compiled by the librarian, Alicia De Leon, from the Indiana Department of Education’s “Indiana Early Learning Foundations” PDF. It does not include ALL of the state standards for Kindergarten Readiness. For the complete and official list, please visit: https://www.doe.in.gov/sites/default/files/earlylearning/foundations-2015-august-12.pdf.
Kindergarten Readiness Skills:
Preschool Readiness Skills
Knows address
Knows phone number
Recognizes upper case and lower case letters
Identifies the various sounds the letters represent
Hears similarities and differences in sounds
Recognizes and counts correctly 1-10
Matches numeral with correct quantity of items
Prints first name without copying
Ability to solve simple problems
Copies specific printed shapes or designs
Can compare and contrast
Identifies more difficult shapes
Identifies more difficult colors
Can tie shoes